Accélérez les ventes grâce à des devis optimaux pour les voyages des groupes et d’affaires
Aujourd’hui plus que jamais, les équipes commerciales des compagnies aériennes sont sous pression pour générer des revenus supplémentaires par le biais de clients clés, tels que les agences de voyages et les partenaires de voyages d’affaires.
La plateforme de premier plan pour les ventes de voyages des groupes et d’affaires
Rationalisez la création d’offres, la tarification et les devis pour les voyages des groupes ou d’affaires
Les équipes commerciales des compagnies aériennes ont pour mission de naviguer au sein de plusieurs systèmes et de collaborer avec plusieurs parties prenantes, tout en répondant aux exigences de leurs clients.
Elles ont besoin d’un ensemble unique et puissant d’outils pour collaborer avec les équipes de gestion des revenus et de tarification et fournir à leurs clients des offres optimales au plus vite.
Si votre équipe se concentre sur les ventes de voyages des groupes ou d’affaires, grâce à des fonctionnalités de bout en bout rationalisées, l’équipe commerciale peut optimiser la productivité, fournir des devis en temps réel grâce à la tarification dynamique et gérer les contrats, les paiements et les billets en un seul et même endroit.
Avantages attendus pour les équipes commerciales :
De réduction du temps de traitement des devis
d'augmentation des revenus générés par les réservations de groupe
D'augmentation du taux de conversion sur les offres des groupes
De productivité pour les équipes commerciales
Tirez parti de la tarification dynamique intelligente pour réaliser des devis en temps réel
Ventes de voyages de groupe
Une collaboration étroite entre les équipes commerciales et de gestion des revenus est essentielle pour répondre aux besoins des clients et accélérer les revenus issus des offres de groupe.
Grâce à la tarification dynamique, les compagnies aériennes ont l’assurance que les offres de groupe sont optimales et vendues conformément à toutes les politiques qu’elles ont définies.
- Définissez en toute confiance les tarifs de groupe en fonction des stratégies de gestion des revenus et des politiques de vente afin d’augmenter les revenus issus des réservations des groupes.
- Éliminez les processus manuels et réalisez des devis plus rapidement grâce à des processus automatisés pour la tarification, les approbations, la réservation et la vente de billets dans un emplacement centralisé.
- Simplifiez les processus entre les équipes commerciales, les équipes de gestion des revenus et les agents de voyage pour augmenter la satisfaction des clients, la conversion et les réservations répétées.
Ventes de voyages d’affaires
Les processus manuels et les systèmes disparates peuvent ralentir considérablement les délais de traitement des devis et entraîner la perte d’opportunités.
Dans le secteur des voyages d’affaires, les équipes commerciales ont besoin de processus automatisés de création de devis, de réservation et d’approbation pour réaliser des devis optimaux qui entraînent la conclusion rapide de contrats.
Et comme les clients exigent davantage de libre-service, les capacités de e-commerce sont essentielles pour créer l’offre adaptée aux voyageurs d’affaires et apporter des changements par voie numérique.
- Tirez parti des étapes automatisées de création de devis et d’approbation grâce à des processus intuitifs et simples.
- Gérez les politiques telles que les règles commerciales et les remises au même endroit.
- Rationalisez les processus autour des accords et des contrats pour améliorer l’efficacité et la productivité.
- Intégrez une tarification optimale en temps réel pour chaque devis.
Proposez des stratégies de vente gagnantes aux équipes de gestion des revenus, de distribution et de vente au détail
Grâce aux puissantes fonctionnalités de vente et aux processus synchronisés de bout en bout de la plateforme PROS, les équipes commerciales peuvent offrir des expériences d’achat et de vente exceptionnelles et ainsi augmenter le taux de conversion des passagers et le chiffre d’affaires de votre compagnie aérienne.
Une architecture qui stimule les expériences de vente au détail d’aujourd’hui et de demain
Revenue Management
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Dynamic Pricing
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Ancillary Merchandising
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Bundling & Segmentation
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Group and Corporate Sales
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Pricing & Shopping
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Digital Retailing
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Booking, Ticketing, & Servicing
Revenue Management
Are you confident in your ability to maximize revenue across every market you operate in, especially in times of extreme uncertainty? Through PROS proven forecast methodology, advanced willingness-to-pay optimization, and best-in-class workflows, RM teams can maximize their productivity, while enabling airline leaders to successfully manage their networks, capacity, and availability.
Dynamic Pricing
Are you able to price with full flexibility and control and based on your passengers’ true willingness-to-pay? PROS delivers advanced dynamic pricing capabilities to access more of the demand curve, drive better segmentation and price differentiation, while giving airlines the ability to make adjaustments beyond business rules and manual intervention.
Ancillary Merchandising
Is ancillary revenue a key part of your strategy for business recovery? Through PROS merchandising capabilities, airlines can create, manage and distribute ancillary products and services while harnessing the power of flexible rules and robust channel management. With full control of retailing techniques, airline can drive revenue throughout the customer journey with offer bundling and personalized offers in real-time.
Bundling & Segmentation
Can you create and deliver optimized offers that are tailored for your passenger’s individual needs and preferences? With bundling and segmentation, airlines can filter and bundle praoducts or services based on a customer profile resulting in greater upsell potential. With PROS, airlines can design the optimal offer for the search context, distribution channel and customer and drive a unique customer experience throughout the shopping and booking process that have them coming back to you for more.
Group and Corporate Sales
How streamlined is your global sales process in driving much needed incremental revenue from either group or corporate sales? With PROS automated quoting, booking, approval and ticketing capabilities, airlines can drive greater efficiency between Sales and RM to reduce suboptimal pricing and long quote times. Powered by science-based dynamic pricing, global sales teams can confidently price, deliver quotes, and improve the customer experience.
Pricing & Shopping
Are you able to answer the multitude of complex shopping and pricing scenarios regardless of the channel you operate in? With PROS best-in-class shopping and pricing engine, airlines can manage comprehensive selling scenarios and a variety of affinity shopping applications. With rich re-shopping and re-pricing, airlines can automate ticket exchanges and refunds and support complex rules and ticket modifications. All of this in real-time and highly accurate.
Digital Retailing
Can you deliver a more flexible, customer-centric shopping and booking experience for your customers? PROS retailing is an innovative, flexible, and modular digital retail engine proven to deliver complex experiences like loyalty and affinity shopping, and stopover and multi-city booking flows through smart UX. Airlines can influence the entire customer shopping and booking journey, drive ancillary revenue and improve conversions and loyalty.
Booking, Ticketing, & Servicing
Do you have full control and transparency when managing your end-to-end order management process? With the right booking, ticketing, and order servicing capabilities, airlines can provide their customers with true transparency and flexibility from pre-trip to post-trip. With PROS, airlines can drive seamless, customer-centric order management across all channels.
Revenue Management
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Dynamic Pricing
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Group Sales
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Pricing & Shopping
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Booking, Ticketing, & Servicing
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Ancillary Merchandising
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Bundling & Segmentation
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Digital Retailing
Revenue Management
Are you confident in your ability to maximize revenue across every market you operate in, especially in times of extreme uncertainty? Through PROS proven forecast methodology, advanced willingness-to-pay optimization, and best-in-class workflows, RM teams can maximize their productivity, while enabling airline leaders to successfully manage their networks, capacity, and availability.
Dynamic Pricing
Are you able to price with full flexibility and control and based on your passengers’ true willingness-to-pay? PROS delivers advanced dynamic pricing capabilities to access more of the demand curve, drive better segmentation and price differentiation, while giving airlines the ability to make adjustments beyond business rules and manual intervention.
Group Sales
How streamlined is your group sales process in driving much needed incremental revenue? With PROS automated quoting, booking, approval and ticketing capabilities, airlines can drive greater efficiency between Sales and RM to reduce suboptimal pricing and long quote times. Powered by science-based dynamic pricing, group sales and RM teams can confidently price for groups.
Pricing & Shopping
Are you able to answer the multitude of complex shopping and pricing scenarios regardless of the channel you operate in? With PROS best-in-class shopping and pricing engine, airlines can manage comprehensive selling scenarios and a variety of affinity shopping applications. With rich re-shopping and re-pricing, airlines can automate ticket exchanges and refunds and support complex rules and ticket modifications. All of this in real-time and highly accurate.
Booking, Ticketing, & Servicing
Do you have full control and transparency when managing your end-to-end order management process? With the right booking, ticketing, and order servicing capabilities, airlines can provide their customers with true transparency and flexibility from pre-trip to post-trip. With PROS, airlines can drive seamless, customer-centric order management across all channels.
Ancillary Merchandising
Is ancillary revenue a key part of your strategy for business recovery? Through PROS merchandising capabilities, airlines can create, manage and distribute ancillary products and services while harnessing the power of flexible rules and robust channel management. With full control of retailing techniques, airline can drive revenue throughout the customer journey with offer bundling and personalized offers in real-time.
Bundling & Segmentation
Can you create and deliver optimized offers that are tailored for your passenger’s individual needs and preferences? With bundling and segmentation, airlines can filter and bundle products or services based on a customer profile resulting in greater upsell potential. With PROS, airlines can design the optimal offer for the search context, distribution channel and customer and drive a unique customer experience throughout the shopping and booking process that have them coming back to you for more.
Digital Retailing
Can you deliver a more flexible, customer-centric shopping and booking experience for your customers? PROS retailing is an innovative, flexible, and modular digital retail engine proven to deliver complex experiences like loyalty and affinity shopping, and stopover and multi-city booking flows through smart UX. Airlines can influence the entire customer shopping and booking journey, drive ancillary revenue and improve conversions and loyalty.
Dynamic Pricing
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Ancillary Merchandising
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Bundling & Segmentation
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Pricing & Shopping
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Revenue Management
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Group Sales
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Digital Retailing
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Booking, Ticketing, & Servicing
Dynamic Pricing
Are you able to price with full flexibility and control and based on your passengers’ true willingness-to-pay? PROS delivers advanced dynamic pricing capabilities to access more of the demand curve, drive better segmentation and price differentiation, while giving airlines the ability to make adjustments beyond business rules and manual intervention.
Ancillary Merchandising
Is ancillary revenue a key part of your strategy for business recovery? Through PROS merchandising capabilities, airlines can create, manage and distribute ancillary products and services while harnessing the power of flexible rules and robust channel management. With full control of retailing techniques, airline can drive revenue throughout the customer journey with offer bundling and personalized offers in real-time.
Bundling & Segmentation
Can you create and deliver optimized offers that are tailored for your passenger’s individual needs and preferences? With bundling and segmentation, airlines can filter and bundle products or services based on a customer profile resulting in greater upsell potential. With PROS, airlines can design the optimal offer for the search context, distribution channel and customer and drive a unique customer experience throughout the shopping and booking process that have them coming back to you for more.
Pricing & Shopping
Are you able to answer the multitude of complex shopping and pricing scenarios regardless of the channel you operate in? With PROS best-in-class shopping and pricing engine, airlines can manage comprehensive selling scenarios and a variety of affinity shopping applications. With rich re-shopping and re-pricing, airlines can automate ticket exchanges and refunds and support complex rules and ticket modifications. All of this in real-time and highly accurate.
Revenue Management
Are you confident in your ability to maximize revenue across every market you operate in, especially in times of extreme uncertainty? Through PROS proven forecast methodology, advanced willingness-to-pay optimization, and best-in-class workflows, RM teams can maximize their productivity, while enabling airline leaders to successfully manage their networks, capacity, and availability.
Group Sales
How streamlined is your group sales process in driving much needed incremental revenue? With PROS automated quoting, booking, approval and ticketing capabilities, airlines can drive greater efficiency between Sales and RM to reduce suboptimal pricing and long quote times. Powered by science-based dynamic pricing, group sales and RM teams can confidently price for groups.
Digital Retailing
Can you deliver a more flexible, customer-centric shopping and booking experience for your customers? PROS retailing is an innovative, flexible, and modular digital retail engine proven to deliver complex experiences like loyalty and affinity shopping, and stopover and multi-city booking flows through smart UX. Airlines can influence the entire customer shopping and booking journey, drive ancillary revenue and improve conversions and loyalty.
Booking, Ticketing, & Servicing
Do you have full control and transparency when managing your end-to-end order management process? With the right booking, ticketing, and order servicing capabilities, airlines can provide their customers with true transparency and flexibility from pre-trip to post-trip. With PROS, airlines can drive seamless, customer-centric order management across all channels.
Ancillary Merchandising
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Pricing & Shopping
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Digital Retailing
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Booking, Ticketing, & Servicing
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Revenue Management
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Dynamic Pricing
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Bundling & Segmentation
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Group Sales
Ancillary Merchandising
Is ancillary revenue a key part of your strategy for business recovery? Through PROS merchandising capabilities, airlines can create, manage and distribute ancillary products and services while harnessing the power of flexible rules and robust channel management. With full control of retailing techniques, airline can drive revenue throughout the customer journey with offer bundling and personalized offers in real-time.
Pricing & Shopping
Are you able to answer the multitude of complex shopping and pricing scenarios regardless of the channel you operate in? With PROS best-in-class shopping and pricing engine, airlines can manage comprehensive selling scenarios and a variety of affinity shopping applications. With rich re-shopping and re-pricing, airlines can automate ticket exchanges and refunds and support complex rules and ticket modifications. All of this in real-time and highly accurate.
Digital Retailing
Can you deliver a more flexible, customer-centric shopping and booking experience for your customers? PROS retailing is an innovative, flexible, and modular digital retail engine proven to deliver complex experiences like loyalty and affinity shopping, and stopover and multi-city booking flows through smart UX. Airlines can influence the entire customer shopping and booking journey, drive ancillary revenue and improve conversions and loyalty.
Booking, Ticketing, & Servicing
Do you have full control and transparency when managing your end-to-end order management process? With the right booking, ticketing, and order servicing capabilities, airlines can provide their customers with true transparency and flexilbity from pre-trip to post-trip. With PROS, airlines can drive seamless, customer-centric order management across all channels.
Revenue Management
Are you confident in your ability to maximize revenue across every market you operate in, especially in times of extreme uncertainty? Through PROS proven forecast methodology, advanced willingness-to-pay optimization, and best-in-class workflows, RM teams can maximize their productivity, while enabling airline leaders to successfully manage their networks, capacity, and availability.
Dynamic Pricing
Are you able to price with full flexibility and control and based on your passengers’ true willingness-to-pay? PROS delivers advanced dynamic pricing capabilities to access more of the demand curve, drive better segmentation and price differentiation, while giving airlines the ability to make adjustments beyond business rules and manual intervention.
Bundling & Segmentation
Can you create and deliver optimized offers that are tailored for your passenger’s individual needs and preferences? With bundling and segmentation, airlines can filter and bundle products or services based on a customer profile resulting in greater upsell potential. With PROS, airlines can design the optimal offer for the search context, distribution channel and customer and drive a unique customer experience throughout the shopping and booking process that have them coming back to you for more.
Group Sales
How streamlined is your group sales process in driving much needed incremental revenue? With PROS automated quoting, booking, approval and ticketing capabilities, airlines can drive greater efficiency between Sales and RM to reduce suboptimal pricing and long quote times. Powered by science-based dynamic pricing, group sales and RM teams can confidently price for groups.
Group Sales
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Corporate Sales
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Bundling & Segmentation
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Dynamic Pricing
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Revenue Management
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Booking, Ticketing, & Servicing
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Digital Retailing
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Pricing and Shopping
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Ancillary Merchandising
Group Sales
How streamlined is your group sales process in driving much needed incremental revenue? With PROS automated quoting, booking, approval and ticketing capabilities, airlines can drive greater efficiency between Sales and RM to reduce suboptimal pricing and long quote times. Powered by science-based dynamic pricing, group sales and RM teams can confidently price for groups.
Corporate Sales
Can you accelerate the quoting and agreement process when selling to business travel buyers? With PROS, Sales teams can collaborate across multiple sales channels, optimize offers, while managing agreements and contracts in one location with seamless workflows.
Bundling & Segmentation
Can you create and deliver optimized offers that are tailored for your passenger’s individual needs and preferences? With bundling and segmentation, airlines can filter and bundle products or services based on a customer profile resulting in greater upsell potential. With PROS, airlines can design the optimal offer for the search context, distribution channel and customer and drive a unique customer experience throughout the shopping and booking process that have them coming back to you for more.
Dynamic Pricing
Are you able to price with full flexibility and control and based on your passengers’ true willingness-to-pay? PROS delivers advanced dynamic pricing capabilities to access more of the demand curve, drive better segmentation and price differentiation, while giving airlines the ability to make adjustments beyond business rules and manual intervention.
Revenue Management
Are you confident in your ability to maximize revenue across every market you operate in, especially in times of extreme uncertainty? Through PROS proven forecast methodology, advanced willingness-to-pay optimization, and best-in-class workflows, RM teams can maximize their productivity, while enabling airline leaders to successfully manage their networks, capacity, and availability.
Booking, Ticketing, & Servicing
Do you have full control and transparency when managing your end-to-end order management process? With the right booking, ticketing, and order servicing capabilities, airlines can provide their customers with true transparency and flexilbity from pre-trip to post-trip. With PROS, airlines can drive seamless, customer-centric order management across all channels.
Digital Retailing
Can you deliver a more flexible, customer-centric shopping and booking experience for your customers? PROS retailing is an innovative, flexible, and modular digital retail engine proven to deliver complex experiences like loyalty and affinity shopping, and stopover and multi-city booking flows through smart UX. Airlines can influence the entire customer shopping and booking journey, drive ancillary revenue and improve conversions and loyalty.
Pricing and Shopping
Are you able to answer the multitude of complex shopping and pricing scenarios regardless of the channel you operate in? With PROS best-in-class shopping and pricing engine, airlines can manage comprehensive selling scenarios and a variety of affinity shopping applications. With rich re-shopping and re-pricing, airlines can automate ticket exchanges and refunds and support complex rules and ticket modifications. All of this in real-time and highly accurate.
Ancillary Merchandising
Is ancillary revenue a key part of your strategy for business recovery? Through PROS merchandising capabilities, airlines can create, manage and distribute ancillary products and services while harnessing the power of flexible rules and robust channel management. With full control of retailing techniques, airline can drive revenue throughout the customer journey with offer bundling and personalized offers in real-time.
La puissance de la science de PROS
En associant 30 ans d’expérience sur le terrain en matière de tarification, de science et de stratégie de pointe à une plateforme d’IA fiable, PROS permet aux compagnies aériennes de proposer activement des offres hautement personnalisées adaptées à chaque scénario d’achat et de vente.
Adapté aux besoins de votre entreprise et de votre marché
grâce à une plus grande personnalisation des algorithmes intelligents (« Apportez votre propre science »).
Adapté aux besoins de votre entreprise et de votre marché, Applique des caractéristiques uniques de point de vente et de segmentation de la clientèle
aux recommandations du gestionnaire de revenus, en fournissant un prix basé sur la propension à payer de votre client.
Garantit des résultats tangibles
les clients bénéficient souvent d’une augmentation rapide du chiffre d’affaires de 2 à 3 %, de taux de conversion accélérés et d’une meilleure productivité des équipes.
Découvrez les compagnies aériennes qui accélèrent les ventes de voyages des groupes et d’affaires avec PROS
Etihad Airways Transforms Group Sales Through Dynamic Pricing
Lufthansa Modernizes Approach to Group Business
Japan Airlines Ready to Accelerate with Group Sales
Performances, évolutivité et sécurité des données exceptionnelles
La protection et la disponibilité des informations commerciales sont des conditions essentielles pour les entreprises. PROS l’a bien compris, et accorde de ce fait la priorité absolue aux performances, à la sécurité et à la confidentialité des données.
En adoptant les meilleures pratiques technologiques et les normes reconnues à l’échelle mondiale, PROS aide les entreprises à maintenir leur activité sans interruption, à atténuer les risques et à se prémunir de manière optimale contre les cyberattaques, protégeant ainsi leurs avantages concurrentiels sur le marché.
PROS Cloud
Doté de puissantes fonctionnalités pour assurer la continuité des opérations, la flexibilité et les performances, PROS Cloud est fourni dans le monde entier sous forme de SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) hébergé sur Microsoft Azure.
Hébergé dans des centres de données certifiés SOC2, ce cloud fournit les fonctionnalités de sécurité et de disponibilité que vous exigez de la part d’une application stratégique, y compris des centres de reprise après sinistre.
Conçu pour offrir des performances et une évolutivité supérieures
Configuration flexible pour répondre à vos exigences en matière de performances, conception pensée pour offrir une haute disponibilité.
S’intègre en toute transparence à votre pile technologique
Intégration au sein de systèmes d’entreprise hautement personnalisés, tels que les ERP et les CRM.
Plus de sécurité pour les données d’entreprise et les données clients
Conforme au RGPD, aux normes SSAE16 SOC 2 Type 2, ISO 27001 et à la Cloud Control Matrix de la Cloud Security Alliance.